Ohohoh, the Knights of the Chalice look VERY interesting. Since I am cribbing ideas from Assassin's Creed (Heh, 'Wizard's Creed') I think I will use them and the Architects as the main antagonists.
Specifically, Jorunnos will be a someone who found an Ancient Lab and gave himself powers.
As for a city, I haven't really decided yet. It needs a base for her character whom will be part of a secret society who oppose the Knights of the Chalice, and some members are made up of decedents of the Ancients. B) It needs to be near enough to a place where an Knight's secret testing facility is.
As for the Ones Who Came Before themselves? (Ancients = OWCB) Well, I imagine them as human-like, seeing as how I envisioned that the Humans, elves, ect use some of their DNA and native and other alien creatures to create a servitor race. Elves inherited to much likeness of the Ancients (their magical affinity and longebbity) so did not make great slaves, they were 'house pets' for them, the Dwarves and Gnomes? Too ingenuitive and (for the Dwarves) greedy. Humans, however, where just right.
SO I think that the Dragons being the Ones Who Came Before is out of the picture, but I might look into a connection (Watchdogs for the Ancients?)
Also, the Ancients had a war with a aggressive, human-like, race who were powerful. Some of them are stored on Rothea, the Knight's believe the bodies they found are the Ancients and have created two beings using some of the DNA (This, is taken from FF7… What can I say… taking from 1 source is plagiarism, taking from multiple is research :P)
This being will, specifically, be the first arcs main antagonist.